Baby's First Year

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Baby's first year

Feeding Methods

Feeding your baby should be easy, right? When he is hungry, you feed him. What is the problem with that? The problem is that there are many different feeding methods that are thrown at new moms. Here are just a few:

 Demand-feeding
 Hyper-scheduling
 Cry feeding
 Demand schedule
 Self-regulating schedule
 Rigid feeding
 Cue (responsive) feeding
 Parent-directed feeding

Are you confused? Many moms get confused so they do it their own way. Groups promote certain feeding methods based on politics and their own philosophy. There are still other people who will tell you that you are a bad parent for even considering feeding formula to your baby, no matter what your reasons are.

This is not to condemn you for choosing what to feed your baby. This is just to help you become aware of all of the options of feeding that you can use.

Choosing your method of feeding will have an overall affect on your baby’s hunger patterns, sleep patterns, and mood. In PDF, we are not talking about being ruled by the clock but by having a flexible schedule. This is a good choice usually for the baby and the mom and helps to take some of the stress involved in feeding and parenting away.

PDF is on the middle of the spectrum between demand-feeding (feeding when your baby cries) and hyper-scheduling (letting the clock dictate feeding). PDF is more baby-oriented than the other feeding methods and the baby learns to follow mom’s flexible schedule.

PDF takes the common sense and the ability to not let yourself be ruled by the clock and The Rules that are laid down by pediatricians or other advice givers. I am not saying that you shouldn’t feed your baby if he is hungry. You definitely should feed him and give him his nutrition. I am also not saying that you should make your baby wait if he is hungry. You will learn to meet your child’s needs without being committed to the clock or someone else’s ideas of feeding your baby. This will give you freedom to enjoy your baby and your life!

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